Weekly folder of your new files

Sat, 14 May 2011 by Frank Lazzarini

Do you know the problem, you have a massive directory with tons of media data, and after work you want to watch the latest episode of your favorite show, and you jump into that directory knowing that there is a new episode, but that directory is cramped up with so many files, that you can't find what you are looking for. Well I found an easy way around that by creating a folder called week which holds links to the actual files which were added a week ago. So in terms of commands, I use find to find all the files that are not older than a week and ln to create the links to these files. I created a little bash script which does just that. It should be flexible enough for everyones needs.


DIRS="/download/TV /download/Movies"

find=`which find`
ln=`which ln`

# Check if working directories exist
for dir in $DIRS ; do
        if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then echo "Source Directory $dir doesn't exist." && exit 1;fi

if [ ! -d "$WEEKDIR" ]; then echo "Weekly directory doesn't exist" && exit 1; fi

# Create lists and links white spaces trick ${DIRS[@]}
for dir in "${DIRS[@]}"; do
        find $dir/* -type d -ctime -$DAYS | while read item ; do
                $ln -s "$item" $WEEKDIR

# Delete old links
find $WEEKDIR/* -type l -ctime $DAYS -exec rm '{}' \;

Now just execute this script from cron.daily and you are good to go.
