Rename white spaces in folders to dots

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 by Frank Lazzarini

Don't you just hate when you get a copy of a scene release from somewhere and the guy that gave it to you "descened" the release folder, i.e out of Something.other.than.Potato.HDTV.XviD became Something other than Potato HDTV XviD. So how to fix this, in linux it's quite easy to do it by just using a little bash magic. Here is how.

Just create a new file called and add the following to the file and finally make it executable.


for i in *; do
    mv "$i" $(echo "$i" | tr " " ".")

Now cd into the directory which contains folders with spaces in it and run the script here.

That's it for today folks :) hope you liked it.
